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  • 해외지사화사업 | 유원솔루션

    Overseas branching business 유원인터내셔널은 2025년 중소벤처기업 해외민간네트워크 수행 기업으로 선정 되었습니다 2. Details of support for overseas branching projects 1. Overseas branching business information This is a business that utilizes the overseas network of public institutions as a local business base in order to promote the overseas expansion and export of domestic small and medium-sized companies. Purpose of business -Supporting exports and overseas expansion by acting as a local branch for small and medium-sized companies that lack the ability to set up branch offices overseas -Expanding the choice of companies participating in the project by integrating similar projects of three organizations (KOTRA- branching project, KOSME-private network utilization project, OKTA-global marketer) Business scale-30 billion won, around 5,000 companies Ministry-Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Implementing Agency-Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KTORA), Small and Medium Venture Business Corporation (KOSME), World Korean Trade Association (OKTA) 3. Overseas branching business procedure guide 4. Introduction of the company As a representative brand for comprehensive support for small and medium-sized businesses operated by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, Enterprise Madang provides services by gathering complex and difficult-to-find small and medium-sized business support business information in one place, as well as useful event information, policy news, and tenant companies as a guide for small and medium-sized businesses. We provide a variety of contents for small and medium-sized businesses such as recruitment announcements. Policy Information-You can search for various SME support projects in the Support Projects tab. Go to the corporate yard 5. Search for support programs Search by region, field, and customized service support programs (refer to the figure below) In addition to various event information, policy news, etc. Go to Support Project Inquiry

  • 말레이시아법인설립 | 유원솔루션

    U1 Business Areas Overseas immigration, visa, real estate U1 INTERNATIONAL Asia Luxury Real Estate U LUX ASIA Health & Medical Trade, E-COMMMERCE U1 JANA / U2 The latest trends and announcements About Us No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. PRACTICE Field of expertise Incorporation Overseas market research Local settlement integrated service Technology export business Export voucher business Advancement strategy consulting Accounting, audit, tax, liquidation Trade Mission Support Project OUR TEAM All executives and employees are composed of local resident experts, and local employees and strategic partners conduct consulting projects as a one-team for customer satisfaction. View more Partners Small and Medium Venture Business Department Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Hana Bank SGI Seoul Guarantee Ministry of Foreign Affairs Malaysia Ministry of Tourism View more

  • 해외주재원 서비스 | 유원솔루션

    Employment visa and applicant View more

  • 각종라이선스 신청 | 유원솔루션

    Application for various licenses 1. Malaysia Business License Acquisition Guide In order for a local subsidiary in Malaysia to conduct business, it must obtain a business license (license) for each type of business from the relevant institution. In accordance with the Malaysian Companies Act (1965) and the Company Registration Committee (SSM) for each business type, it is possible to obtain a license and issue a work permit only when the requirements for minimum paid-in capital and local participation are satisfied. You can minimize risk and reduce costs. ▶ License type ① Business: Approval for workplaces such as offices or retail. Apply to the competent city hall ② CIDB: Construction license ③ WRT: Approval for wholesale business, retail business, and trade business (apply for 100% foreign stamp) ④ MLM: Approval for multi-level marketing ⑤ Manufacturing license: related to factory operation such as manufacturing and processing ⑥ Education license: language academy, etc. ⑦ Tourism license: travel business, etc. ⑧ Other 1. Manufacturing business license ① Under the Malaysian Industrial Co-ordination Act 1975, manufacturers with a capital of RM2.5 million or more or employing 75 or more full-time workers may apply for a manufacturing license. ② If you are an export company, you must also apply for an export license. 2. Logistics business license -If a foreign company wants to secure forwarding, land transportation, and warehousing licenses for comprehensive logistics business, each type of license must be obtained individually. -License acquisition procedure and requirements ✔ Forwarding License: Operated on a quota system. Not easy to acquire. ✔ Qualification requirements such as investment scale, facilities, and professional manpower are very difficult ✔ In general, when promoting a comprehensive logistics business, it is most often promoted in the form of partnership with a local license company. 3. Construction business license To conduct the construction industry in Malaysia, you must have a license issued by the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). Construction here is broader than the general scope of the construction industry, and covers the entire construction, extension, installation, repair, maintenance, repair, dismantling, reconstruction, transformation, and demolition of buildings and structures. ① Comparison between permanent license (G1-G7) and project license ① Permanent license Grade ▶ For grade, capital, technical manpower, and CEO's career are reviewed to decide whether to approve it or not. Project license ▶ Provisional Registration Certificate: This is a license to participate in the bidding. ▶ Registration Certificate: License to perform construction work 4. Tourism business license ① You can apply for an inbound license with 100% foreign capital. ② Shareholders (company) must prove their experience in operating related businesses in their country of origin. 5. Education business license ① Language school: You can apply for a license with 100% foreign capital. ② Tuition Center: License acquisition is possible only with 100% local capital.

  • 취업비자·동반비자 | 유원솔루션

    Employment Visa and Companion Visa 1. Work Permit If you are doing business or job hunting in Malaysia, you must obtain a work visa and stay. A work visa can be obtained through an individual screening after a local corporate screening, and those who have obtained a work visa are obligated to pay personal income tax. You can stay with your spouse and children by applying for a Dependent Pass. According to the Malaysian Investment and Development Administration (MIDA), the Malaysian government divides foreigners who are allowed to work into expatriates and foreign workers. Dispatched foreigners refer to foreigners engaged in managerial, professional, and technical positions, and foreign workers are simple laborers engaged in agriculture, construction, and manufacturing. The classification of dispatched foreigners and foreign workers is determined by the Malaysian government according to their nationality, and foreigners of nationality such as Korea, Japan, and the United States are stipulated to work only as dispatched foreigners. Employment is not possible. ① Type of Employment Pass (EP) Malaysian work visas are classified into three categories as follows, and there are differences in basic benefits provided according to the contract details when working. ② Application documents for Employment Pas (EP) ※ All application documents must be submitted in English. A work visa (EP) can only be obtained by applying from a company working in Malaysia (or a company residing in it), and the basic acquisition requirements are as follows. 2. PVP (Professional Visit Pass)-Professional Visitor Visa The Professional Visitor Visa is a visa issued by foreigners with specialized skills or expertise who wish to perform related work in Malaysia for less than 12 months. A local company that needs the manpower must be able to issue a PVP visa, and a PVP visa cannot be applied for a companion visa. 3. Business Travel Visa For short-term business visits, you can apply for a 3-month travel visa. ▶ Application documents for travel visa ① Copy of passport ② Letter of invitation from local corporation ③ Business registration certificate of local corporation ④ Employment certificate of the currently employed company ⑤ Business trip permit from the company currently employed

  • 취업비자·출장비자 | 유원솔루션

    Employment visa and applicant 1. Work Permit If you are doing business or job hunting in Malaysia, you must obtain a work visa and stay. A work visa can be obtained through an individual screening after a local corporate screening, and those who have obtained a work visa are obligated to pay personal income tax. You can stay with your spouse and children by applying for a Dependent Pass. According to the Malaysian Investment and Development Administration (MIDA), the Malaysian government divides foreigners who are allowed to work into expatriates and foreign workers. Dispatched foreigners refer to foreigners engaged in managerial, professional, and technical positions, and foreign workers are simple laborers engaged in agriculture, construction, and manufacturing. The classification of dispatched foreigners and foreign workers is determined by the Malaysian government according to their nationality, and foreigners of nationality such as Korea, Japan, and the United States are stipulated to work only as dispatched foreigners. Employment is not possible. ① Type of Employment Pass (EP) Malaysian work visas are classified into three categories as follows, and there are differences in basic benefits provided according to the contract details when working. ② Application documents for Employment Pas (EP) ※ All application documents must be submitted in English. A work visa (EP) can only be obtained by applying from a company working in Malaysia (or a company residing in it), and the basic acquisition requirements are as follows. 2. PVP (Professional Visit Pass)-Professional Visitor Visa The Professional Visitor Visa is a visa issued by foreigners with specialized skills or expertise who wish to perform related work in Malaysia for less than 12 months. A local company that needs the manpower must be able to issue a PVP visa, and a PVP visa cannot be applied for a companion visa. 3. Business Travel Visa For short-term business visits, you can apply for a 3-month travel visa. ▶ Application documents for travel visa ① Copy of passport ② Letter of invitation from local corporation ③ Business registration certificate of local corporation ④ Employment certificate of the currently employed company ⑤ Business trip permit from the company currently employed

  • 회계·감사·세무·청산 | 유원솔루션

    Accounting, audit, tax, liquidation 1. Year-end closing audit and tax service U1 Solutions provides a one-stop service for year-end settlement and audit based on professional accounting knowledge and accumulated audit experience. provide. All corporations established in Malaysia must keep transaction records and related supporting data, and must prepare financial statements and management books every year. We hope that you will receive professional and effective financial management as well as cost reduction for companies through the accounting service of U1 Solutions. ▶ Fiscal year The first fiscal year must be determined within 18 months of incorporation, and the settlement date for the first year is generally set at the end of December or March. Thereafter, the fiscal year can be set within 12 months at the end of December or the end of the quarter. ① Accounting A corporation must provide all accounting-related data included in the fiscal year to a public accounting firm. The draft of the tax book is completed through a question-and-answer process with a corporation to complete a statement of financial position and a statement of changes in capital. At this time, the data to be prepared must be delivered in the corporate bank transaction statement for the fiscal year (12 months), various invoices, receipts, payment slips, and checkbooks. Based on the general fiscal year (January 1-December 31), data must be delivered within March 31 of the following year at the latest so that there is no delay in the reporting period for financial statements. ② Auditing After going through the tax book, the statement of financial position (income statement, Cash flow statement) and capital change statement are prepared, you can apply for accounting audit. A certified auditor is appointed to complete the audit and file a tax return. If the fiscal year is from January to December, the tax return is the following year Until July 31st. ③ Taxation (corporate tax) Income tax for the taxable year must be reported according to the registration data that has been audited. The deadline for filing tax is until August 31st of each year. ④ Corporate income tax payment (corporate tax) Income tax for the taxable year must be reported according to the registration data that has been audited. The deadline for filing tax is until August 31st of each year. ⑤ Personal income tax return (From BE) You must file an income tax report in relation to the personal income tax (PCB) that was withheld at the time of monthly salary receipt. The direct report is until March 31 of the following year, and the electronic report is until April 15 of the following year. 2. Corporate liquidation Employees may close Sdn Bhd Company due to poor business performance or dormancy (no activity). In general, there are two ways to formally close a legal entity. ▶ Strike off Article 551 of the Enterprise Act of 2016 grants the shareholders of the company the right to apply for withdrawal from the company, if the following conditions are met: The company has not started business since the incorporation, or When there is no intention to start or resume business or operations in the future due to reasons such as business progress or business operation interruption You can apply for liquidation. When applying for liquidation, you must not have any assets or liabilities under the corporate name, including unpaid taxes and outstanding payments. In the case of liquidation, the capital stock registered in the company is not returned to the shareholders. In addition, the company applying for liquidation must not be a holding company or subsidiary of another corporation. ① Closing accounts of government agencies The account of the EPF/Perkeso/LHDN Corporation must be closed and a confirmation of business closure must be obtained, and if there is a tax refundable, only the corporate bankbook must be closed first, and the government agency account must be closed after the tax refund. ② Submit the latest audit report If the company is operating or has assets and liabilities under the company name, the latest audit report must be submitted to the Corporate Committee before filing a strike. If the company does not have assets and liabilities, it may allow an unaudited management account, but the Corporate Committee has the sole discretion to request an audit report after filing a strike, so be sure to check it. ③ Processing period It usually takes 6 to 12 months. ④ forced liquidation In accordance with Article 549 of the 「Enterprise Act」 in 2016, the Corporate Committee should be cautious as if the company does not report the company's annual financial statements for more than 3 years, the company may be forcibly closed. 3. Winding Up It means voluntary or compulsory liquidation, so the procedure is more complicated than Strike Off. This must apply to the court and appoint a liquidator to oversee the entire liquidation process. Therefore, the cost of liquidation is also quite high. 4. Service details U1 Solutions Sdn Bhd From the preparation of tax filing data for the Malaysian subsidiary, through the tax bookkeeping and accounting audit service, we provide advice and support to minimize the risk of our clients and conduct efficient management activities. Monthly, quarterly, semiannual, and annual financial statement service Monthly payroll and 3 major insurance registration/payment services Corporate income tax, personal income tax reporting service Audit schedule management and collaboration with external auditors Account book bookkeeping and record management service

  • 기업맞춤형 홈스테이 | 유원솔루션

    Customized Homestay 1. Corporate Homestay Program This is a homestay service designed and provided tailored to the needs of companies when dispatching short- and long-term personnel to Malaysia. It alleviates the hassle of companies that occur when dispatching short and long-term personnel, enables smooth tax deduction through accurate evidence of related expenses incurred locally, manages the lives of expatriates in a more hygienic and healthful manner, and eliminates problems with adaptation to life outside of work. It is a program that allows you to focus on your original work by solving it. ✔ Alleviate the burden of initial preparation for dispatched companies, support for dispatched personnel, various deposits, utility bills, and settlement of expenses ✔ Enhance the stability and accuracy of employee management, ensure the health and dietary life of dispatched employees, improve work efficiency, and facilitate rotational work ✔ When at least 6 people are dispatched, a manager in charge of management, a man in charge of cleaning and laundry, and a commuter shuttle bus are provided. When dispatching human resources to Malaysia for a short or long period of time, careful and accurate preparation is required for the quick input of the dispatched personnel and high work efficiency. Yoowon reduces the burden of preparation for dispatched companies and supports the dispatcher's stable and fast local settlement through the company-customized homestay service designed in perfect response to the needs of the company. ① Dispatch of short-term residents (staying 3 to 6 months) When dispatching human resources to Malaysia for a short or long period of time, careful and accurate preparation is required for the quick input of the dispatched personnel and high work efficiency. Yoowon reduces the burden of preparation for dispatched companies and supports the dispatcher's stable and fast local settlement through the company-customized homestay service designed in perfect response to the needs of the company. ② Dispatch of long-term project personnel (more than 6 months) Homestay program is provided when long-term expatriates are dispatched for more than 6 months. In a stable living environment (lodging, meals, cleaning, laundry, etc.) It allows you to focus on your work. Various deposits and Reduce utility bill settlement problems and provide consulting on local income tax Available. Individual dispatch/companion with family, etc. So you can choose the most suitable option according to Solutions. 2. Corporate Homestay Program: Example Example 1) We plan to dispatch management and technical personnel to Johor Bahru's hotel construction for 3 months. ▶ A variety of expenses and cumbersome settlement processes such as obtaining suitable visas and approvals for the field personnel, rental fees, various deposits, utility bills, Korean TV channels, car rental and living expenses, meal support, etc. It can be solved one-stop through. By providing the health and comfortable life of the expatriates, focusing on work from the beginning of the dispatch, the work efficiency of the dispatched personnel and the company's profits can be increased . Example 2) I need to dispatch personnel to enter the field of the Sabah Industrial Complex, but I am worried about the lives of the employees because there is nothing around them. ▶ Through analysis by local experts, we propose accommodations with the best living conditions and location conditions in the region where each company enters, and manage the condition of the expatriates through thorough accommodation management and diet management by a dedicated manager. We provide high convenience even when dispatching remote areas through the supply of Korean goods within the accommodation. If it is necessary to provide a lunch box or catering service due to on-site conditions, you can apply for the service. By providing flexible vehicle operation in case of commuting vehicles and overtime or early commuting to work, we increase the utility of corporate manpower. Example 3) As the local project has been prolonged, it is necessary to set up accommodation and living conditions suitable for family life. ▶ It is possible to convert accommodation and living environment into a form suitable for long-term stay through additional consulting for expatriate services. As a relocation and settlement service of U1 , local experts prepare essential matters such as housing, daily life utilities, children's education, and vehicles. 3. Company-tailored homestay program: Condo / residential type Providing accommodation in consideration of convenience and location Optimal diet management including Korean and special meals Dedicated management such as laundry and cleaning Estimated cost for dispatching one resident Accommodation rental fee RM 2,000 ~ 4,000 per month Meal expenses RM 2,000 or more per month Utility-Internet, water purifier, electricity bill, etc. RM 600 or more Car rental fee, fuel fee of RM 3,000 or more Other expenses RM 1,000 or more Initial various deposits Approximately RM 8,000 ~13,000 occurrence Monthly fixed cost Approximately RM 8,600 ~ 12,000 required When using a company-customized homestay Optimal accommodation allocation in consideration of convenience and working location Strict diet management including Korean/special meals Including a manager in charge of cleaning / laundry / accommodation management Internet, water purifier, all kinds of utilities included Commuter vehicle provision / Korean real-time TV provision Cost reduction effect + maximization of life satisfaction of dispatched employees When 6 people are dispatched. Per person About 10% ~ 30% cost reduction When more than 10 people are dispatched. 30% or more cost savings per person 4. Company-tailored homestay program: Hotel/Resort type Support for hotel use contracts with favorable conditions Korean meal included / with dedicated manager Pros and cons of dispatch through a long-term hotel contract When dispatched through a hotel contract, there are many advantages, such as excellent convenience in general, private room allocation for each employee, room-keeping service, and hotel meals. However, in general, there is a high level of usage and laundry costs compared to the rent of a house, and there are many cases where it is difficult to adapt due to limited diet composition. Yuwon's customized homestay: hotel options Select suitable hotels through U1's own local network / See We support you to proceed with the use contract on favorable terms. The advantages of using the hotel remain the same, and additionally Korean-style meals that cannot be provided at local hotels / We provide essential additional services such as a dedicated management manager. Necessary for adaptation to the dispatcher such as support for purchasing Korean TV and Korean goods Additional service support. Through coordination with the hotel We improve living conditions to enable a longer life. Convenience of the hotel + Homestay stability + Employee diet management / Adaptation to life problem solving = Enterprise tailored Homestay: Hotel

  • 제품판매위탁 | 유원솔루션

    Product sales consignment 한국 기업들이 말레이시아 시장에 진출하고자 하는 주된 이유는 무엇일까? 말레이시아 시장 진출 주된 이유는 글로벌 시장 확장 필요와 매력적인 말레이시아 시장 탐구합니다. 말레이시아 시장의 주요 특성과 소비자 행동은 어떻게 파악할 수 있을까? 시장 조사의 중요성과 한국 기업들이 어떻게 효과적인 시장 조사를 수행하여 경쟁력을 강화할 수 있는지 설명합니다. 초기 시장 테스트를 통해 어떤 이점을 얻을 수 있으며, 왜 저비용으로 시험해 보는 것이 중요할까? 협력 기회 저비용 시장 테스트의 장점과 이를 통해 얻을 수 있는 정보의 가치에 대해 논의하고, 초기 투자 리스크를 최소화하는 전략을 강조합니다 한국 기업들과 말레이시아 기업들 간의 협력 기회를 통해 상호 발전과 성공을 모색합니다. 말레이시아 전자상거래 월간 웹 방문자 2024년 기준 말레이시아의 쇼피(Shopee)에 입점해야 하는 이유에 대한 질문과 답변 쇼피가 말레이시아 전자상거래 시장에서 39.86%의 높은 점유율을 차지함으로써, 어떻게 이 플랫폼이 최적의 판매 채널이 될 수 있는지를 보여주나요? 쇼피의 높은 시장 점유율은 말레이시아 내에서의 강력한 브랜드 인지도 와 넓은 고객 기반을 의미합니다. 이는 판매자에게 많은 잠재 고객에게 노출될 기회를 제공하며, 따라서 제품의 판매 가능성을 크게 증가시킵니다. 쇼피의 넓은 고객 기반과 마케팅 도구를 활용해 코리아몰 제품의 빠른 시장 노출과 시장 증대가 가능합니다. 3. 쇼피를 통한 코리아몰의 말레이시아 시장 진출이 어떤 이점을 제공하나요? 2. 쇼피의 사용자 친화적 인터페이스가 구매자와 판매자에게 어떻게 편리한 쇼핑 경험을 제공하며, 이로 인해 고객 만족도와 재구매율이 어떻게 향상될 수 있나요? 쇼피의 인터페이스는 직관적이고 사용하기 쉬워 사용자들이 원하는 제품을 쉽게 찾고 구매할 수 있도록 합니다. 편리한 쇼핑 경험은 고객 만족도를 높이고, 이는 재구매율 증가 로 이어집니다. 4. 쇼피를 통한 판매가 코리아몰의 브랜드 신뢰성과 고객 충성도에 어떻게 기여할 수 있나요? 쇼피를 통한 판매가 코리아몰의 브랜드 신뢰성과 고객 충성도 구축에 기여할 수 있는 방법은, 말레이시아 내에서 제품을 출고함으로써 빠른 배송을 제공할 수 있다는 점입니다. 이는 고객들이 제품을 신속하게 받을 수 있게 하여 코리아몰에 대한 신뢰를 증가시키고, 결과적으로 브랜드 충성도 를 높이는 데 크게 기여합니다. 말레이시아 코리아몰 및 쇼피 입점 절차 자사 몰 쇼피 Contact TOWER BLOCK C, NO, C-L07-01, LEVEL 7, CORPORATE, 338, Jln Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur 070-8260-7878 First Name Last Name Email Message Thanks for submitting! Send

  • 말레이시아법인설립 | 유원솔루션

    U 1 SOLUTIONS Consulting U1 Solutions Leading the trend in the global era. About Us U1 Group business areas Overseas immigration, visa, real estate U1 INTERNATIONAL Asia Luxury Real Estate U LUX ASIA U1 JANA / U2 무역, 코리아몰 Health & Medical Trade, E-COMMMERCE The latest trends and announcements No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. PRACTICE Field of expertise Overseas market research Local settlement integrated service Technology export business Advancement strategy consulting Accounting, audit, tax, liquidation Trade Mission Support Project OUR TEAM All executives and employees are composed of local resident experts, and local employees and strategic partners conduct consulting projects as a one-team for customer satisfaction. View more Incorporation Export voucher business Partners Small and Medium Venture Business Department Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Hana Bank SGI Seoul Guarantee Ministry of Foreign Affairs Malaysia Ministry of Tourism View more

  • 지사소개 | 유원솔루션

    About Governor Kuala Lumpur Headquarters KL Trillion, C-L07-01, No.338 Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 070-8260-7850, +60)3-2725-9210 Governor of Joho 1-1, Level 1, Teega Tower, Jalan Laksamana, Puteri Harbor 79250 Iskandar Puteri, Johor, Malaysia 070-7895-2752, +60)7-556-8144 Seoul Branch 75th Avenue Building, 442 Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Second floor 02-501-0567, 02-501-0561 Kota Kinabalu Office S-82, Level 2, Oceanus Waterfront Mall, Jalan Tun Fuad Stephen, 88000 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah +60)88-477-611

  • 법인설립 | 유원솔루션

    Overseas corporation/branch establishment 1. Malaysia corporation establishment All companies in Malaysia are regulated by the Companies Act of 1965 (CA). The law stipulates that all companies must register with the Malaysian Business Council (SSM) to conduct business in any form. Corporations are indicated as "Sendirian Berhad; Sdn.Bhd.", and listed companies are indicated as "Berhad; Bhd.". When registering as a corporation, it is registered with the Corporate Committee (SSM) along with an appointed authorized secretary. The corporate secretary is responsible for the efficient management of the company to ensure that the organization complies with relevant laws and regulatory requirements and to implement resolutions at the board of directors. It is called “secretary”, but the actual role is not the office worker or the secretary of the company. Secretari is appointed by the board of directors and acts as a representative for legal documents, and the largest part of its responsibility is to ensure that the company and its directors are legally operated within the limits of the law. In addition, it is the responsibility of the company to communicate with shareholders to legally pay their dividends, and to keep and maintain company records such as directors, shareholder registers, and annual accounts. 2. Types of corporations and establishment procedures (excluding Korean corporations) ① Sendirian Berhad (Sdn. Bhd.)-Private Limited Co., Ltd. In general, all legal entities established are Sdn. Bhd. Is established. It is composed of shareholders and directors and has independent authority. At this time, the shareholders can be a corporation and an individual, and the directors must be individuals. Must be listed. It is possible to establish a minimum of 2 ringgit, but the required minimum capital varies depending on the business type. It can be established with 100% foreign capital. But this will also be required, so the locals when license applications should be in accordance with the sector's shares. Execute independent financial statements. ② Foreign Branch Office-Overseas branch It is a legal entity established when a head office located outside of Malaysia wants to establish a branch in Malaysia. The head office must appoint a branch manager to represent the branch, and in the case of a branch, unlike an independent corporation, a local agent, not a secretary, must be appointed and registered, and the local agent is responsible for ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. In the case of capital, the registered capital is applied based on the capital stock of the head office. The financial statements linked with the head office must be executed. As it is limited to the business type of the head office, there are restrictions on overseas business. ③ Representative Office-Liaison Office Establishing a liaison office in Malaysia at the head office outside of Malaysia, and limited to market research or cooperative work of the head office. Activity is possible. Established by registering with the Investment Promotion Agency (MIDA), not the Corporate Committee (SSM). Register with the Investment Promotion Agency (MIDA) an accounting report stating that you have spent more than RM300,000 in operating expenses for a minimum year.

Since 2002
U1 Solutions Sdn. Bhd ( 1218293-W)   

Malaysia Office- Unit No. 07-01, Level 7, Trillion Tower C, No.338 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia

TEL: +603-2725-9210 / Internet phone Contact No: 070 8260 7850/7855 (Malaysia)

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Business Number- 1218293-W Representative Director: Cho Hyun (All photos and images used on the website are prohibited from being used or distributed without permission.)

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