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​Overseas expansion strategy consulting

1. Main service items

  • Based on the initial request for proposal (RFP), a customized performance plan is submitted and initiated after a written contract.

  • The construction plan and cost calculation basis for the staff in charge of execution are operated by referring to the performance unit cost of consultants by grade in the consulting support project of the Ministry of SMEs and Startups.

Malaysian market research advancement strategy service

  • Early stage service program: market research (report provided)

  • Development and expansion stage service program

  • Export voucher selected company (refer to operating standards)

​Specialized research service

  • Public private procurement survey consulting: Vendor registration

  • Support service for finding potential/target buyers

  • Demand marketability test in progress

2. Marketing and overseas branch service

해외 지사화 사업
  • We strive to create substantial export performance and profits for our customers by conducting marketing for practical performance with customers who explored the possibility in local market research, and by step-by-step activities for overseas branching services.

※ development and expansion stage service program: marketing, contract support, local incorporation and services jisahwa

Local marketing

  • Buyer contact through the deployment of dedicated employees for each product

  • Invitation event to visit the exhibition hall (showroom) for interested buyers

  • One to One counseling support, World Octa Network activities

  • Distribution network sales support, review of its own online trading corporation

Support for successful export (enter)

  • Provide buyer inquiries by company after repetitive marketing

  • Inquiry response support and interpretation service

  • Smooth export contract support: review of export conditions and payment terms

  • Follow-up management support to maintain the continuity of the business relationship

Support clients for practical performance through Korea-Malaysia network and export marketing

Local corporation establishment service

  • Local liaison office, branch registration, corporation establishment service

  • Apply for local secret service, accounting, audit, tax, and business related licenses

  • Expatriate employment visa, house rental and living support service

① Overseas branching business information

  • ​This is a business that utilizes the overseas network of public institutions as a local business base in order to promote the overseas expansion and export of domestic small and medium-sized companies.

  • Purpose of business​

-Supporting exports and overseas expansion by acting as a local branch for small and medium-sized companies that lack the ability to set up branch offices overseas

-Expanding the choice of companies participating in the project by integrating similar projects of three organizations (KOTRA- branching project, KOSME-private network utilization project, OKTA-global marketer)

  • Business scale-30 billion won, around 5,000 companies

  • Ministry-Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

  • Implementing Agency-Korea International Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KTORA), Small and Medium Venture Business Corporation (KOSME), World Korean Trade Association (OKTA)

② Details of support for overseas branching projects


③ Guide to overseas branching business procedures


④ Introduction of the company yard

  • As a representative brand for comprehensive support for small and medium-sized businesses operated by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, Enterprise Madang provides services by gathering complex and difficult-to-find small and medium-sized business support business information in one place, as well as useful event information, policy news, and tenant companies as a guide for small and medium-sized businesses. We provide a variety of contents for small and medium-sized businesses such as recruitment announcements.

  • Policy Information-You can search for various SME support projects in the Support Projects tab.


⑤ Search for application programs

  • ​​Search by region, field, and customized service support programs (refer to the figure below)

  • ​In addition to various event information, policy news, etc.


3. Market research

  • As a local implementation agency, we accurately identify customer needs and provide support to determine the possibility of entry into Malaysia by providing correct information to customers who are considering entry into Malaysia.

Malaysia Market Research

•Analysis of trade volume (by HS code) for the product

•Distribution structure, channel check. Research and analysis on competitive products

•Provide market research report to identify business trends and barriers to entry

① Initial stage service execution procedure (example)

  • ​The Malaysian market research is based on a total of 8-10 weeks through environmental analysis and market exploration.


4. Buyer discovery and matching

  • As a local implementation agency, we accurately identify customer needs and provide support to determine the possibility of entry into Malaysia by providing correct information to customers who are considering entry into Malaysia.

​Discover and match local buyers

  • Checking the list of local companies through search for buyers and data discovery using various Malaysian networks

  • Confirmation of buyer requests, exploration of trading opportunities and suggestions

  • Finding interested buyers and deriving purchasing factors

5. Consignment of product sales


​(Companies wishing to enter Malaysia)

​Consignment sales request

U1 Solutions
​(Marketing, Sales, A/S)

​Product promotion and sales


​(Customized buyers and online/offline platforms)

  • We provide a one-stop service that manages the entire process from product customized sales consulting to marketing and after-sales management in the product consignment sales process.

In addition, we are always doing our best to respond flexibly and effectively to the ever-changing paradigm through continuous overseas market research and development.

6. Core competencies and values

  • Based on the core competence of U1 Solutions in Malaysia, we are striving to create core values as a local consulting company so that customers can be satisfied with the goal of “producing and delivering accurate information”.

✔ Core competencies of the performing organization


✔ Creation of core values

Since 2002
U1 Solutions Sdn. Bhd ( 1218293-W)   

Malaysia Office- Unit No. 07-01, Level 7, Trillion Tower C, No.338 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia

TEL: +603-2725-9210 / Internet phone Contact No: 070 8260 7850/7855 (Malaysia)

Seoul Liaison Office- 2nd Floor, 75th Avenue Building, 442 Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul / TEL: 02-501-0567, 0561

Business Number- 1218293-W Representative Director: Cho Hyun (All photos and images used on the website are prohibited from being used or distributed without permission.)

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